
over spray of paint and crackfill

Home Forums Pavement Striping Equipment over spray of paint and crackfill

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    i have a job were my crew has a trail of crackfill around the parking lot and the customer wants it removed its been there for 2 weeks.Any ideas?
    Also they have painted the asphalt while doing the curb.I am looking for a way to remove this without damanging the lot


    Hello Ron
    Ouch. Once I helped another striper stripe a parking garage…on a (3) day weekend.
    He called…”Dan…you wanna grab some handlebars?” Absolutely. It was nice to just walk around…stripe…and not be in charge…AND…watch another crew.
    Then…?…I saw them…down below…spraying the word…ONLY. But…it was spelled…OLNY.
    Again…ouch. It happens.
    Sometimes…it’s a wire brush.
    But…there are products that will strip the paint. Some schools use it. The Maintenance Person will hand roll the “Friendly Stripper”…(don’t let your mind go too far with that)…(I was recently asked if I was a “stripper”…yeah…picture me in my painter’s pants…spinning around a pole…again…ouch…)…ok…back to “striping”.
    There are products that will eat the paint and stay environmentally friendly. Then…power wash…maybe wire brush…etc.
    Try these. Look around. Call a school.
    Next…there are several stripers who purposefully stripe a 4″ line right onto the asphalt. If your help cannot make the paint hit right at the place where the curb hits the asphalt…and…sometimes it is difficult…just add a 4″ line right there = right on the asphalt. It’ll clean it up. Make it look good. In other words…you’re covering up the “over spray”…that exists on the pavement.
    These are some ideas.
    I hope I helped.
    Let me know.

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